Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Exercise 6: Consistency

09.03.2017 (Week 6)
Adrian Charles Chee Yew Chen (300666425)
Introduction to Photography
Exercise 6: Consistency


We were suppose to learn how to use the Adobe Photoshop but due to unforeseen circumstances, the lecture for that was postponed to next week. Instead, we learnt how to properly compile and arrange our own Portfolio. Mr Vinod then briefed us about our final project and proceeded to show us many wonderful examples of how we can conduct our final project and the topics which we can go for. Mr Vinod also taught us about consistency through the different examples he showed us.

Instruction: Final Project
Theme-based project: Presentation of a series of 5 images.
Student, you have by now completed various exercises on Exposure and composition. This means that you are now able to:
1) Control your exposures after pre determining the desired result ala The Zone System (To be able to anticipate the final result before making the exposure)

2) Use The Rule of Thirds or principles underpinning composition to identify and compose potential points of interest within the frame.
3) Understand and achieve consistency
4) Edit at a basic level (next week)
With the above done and understood, it is now time to put your mettle to the test.
Your Task:
Choose a Subject of Interest, i.e.: Architecture, Landscape, Peoples, Person, Still Life, etc. and capture a series of 5 images. You will present the final result in your MS Doc. along with a rationale. You will also update your eportfolio with the said.
To elaborate further:
If the subject is Architecture and the topic is KLCC, you will shoot a series of 5 pictures on that topic only. This work will then be edited in Adobe Photoshop and presented to the class. Of course to achieve a series of 5 pictures you will have to visit the topic several times before achieving pictures of good quality (Exposure, composition, consistency and editing). It is through this process that you will learn to plan your shots before actually photographing them.

Exercise 6 - Consistency / Topics for final project

1. Droplets 

2. Shadows

3. Trash

4. Second Sun

5. The Sun


There are no feedback yet for this week's exercise.


I had troubles and difficulty in choosing and deciding what topics I should venture in. I was very afraid of choosing a wrong topic and am still quite uncertain.

While working on this task, I came to notice that I am quite into the scenery of the skies. But, I am still quite fearful towards that topic as I know that it is not a topic that was anywhere near easy.

When I was doing this exercise, I found that it was quite difficult to get good consistent images with different variations along with it. It definitely requires much practise and time to achieve a decent range of photos.

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